Science Says Sunday – COVID-19 and the Heart (también en español)

Did you know that February is heart month? Each February, the American Heart Association partners with the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood to celebrate American Heart Month. How? Well, they do so by reminding people of the many ways we can each keep our hearts healthy and adopting healthy lifestyles so that we can help prevent or worsen heart disease. This year, heart month is even more important to celebrate because we know that risk for severe COVID-19 is higher in people with existing heart disease, but also, that COVID-19 can cause heart problems as well.

So, since today is Valentine’s day, and there are visual reminders of our heart all around us, I wanted to walk us all through the ways we know heart disease affects our hearts.

Here’s a great video you can share with others who prefer audio content:

Some additional resources:

About American Heart Month: Ways to Get Involved

What Is COVID Doing to Our Hearts?

COVID-19 and the heart: What have we learned?

COVID-19 Can Damage Hearts of Some College Athletes

Researchers Investigate What COVID-19 Does to the Heart

CDC: People with Certain Medical Conditions and COVID-19

Ahora en español –

El mes de febrero se conoce como el mes del corazón. Es el mes en cual tomamos la oportunidad para recordar que debemos cuidar de nuestra salud en general, pero especialmente nuestra salud cardiovascular. Este año es sumamente importante porque sabemos que las personas con enfermedades o problemas del corazón, tienen alto riesgo de enfermedad severa del COVID-19. Entonces es importante saber nuestros riesgos, pero también cuidarnos para prevenir infección y transmisión del virus que causa el COVID-19.

Referencias adicionales

Lo que COVID-19 le hace al corazón, aún después de la recuperación

¿Cómo afecta la COVID-19 al corazón?

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